Registration no. 5105 |

Currently, in Portugal, the Solicitor is a liberal professional with a degree in a law course (Solicitor or Law) which performs legal actions on behalf of others according to retribution.

Under the Statute of the Board of Solicitors approved by Decree Law 88/2003, of April 26th.

Solicitors with an entry into force in the Board of Solicitors can, in all national territory, and before any jurisdiction, instance, authority or public or private entity, practice acts concerning this job, in particular, juridical acts and practice warrant exercise, according to the procedure law.

In the practice of his profession, it can require, written or verbally, in any court or government department, the study of cases, books or documents which do not have a reserved or secret content, as well as the issuance of certificates, with no need of presenting a power of attorney.

They are subjected to secrecy, and it is not allowed the seizure of documents covered by the secrecy, unless they are object or element of a crime.

The search and apprehension in a Solicitor’s office, or in any other place where they do file, is, under penalty of nullity, chaired by a Judge and a representative from the Board of Solicitors.

It can only bear the title of Solicitor whoever has an enrolment in the Board of Solicitors, proof which is made by the registration number.

The Solicitors are under a tight disciplinary regime, which contributes to his good performance, either to his clients or the community.